About me


I’m Vanessa. I live in the South of France, where the sun shines most days.

I began my doll making journey in 2011 while I was travelling. A friend of mine had a book and some fabric scraps, and convinced me to create handmade natural dolls for our daughters. We each had a 3 year old girl who were the best little friends. I was making jewelry back then, with a strong love for crafting with natural materials, but I never thought I would be able to create a doll.

Little did I know that working with fibers would quickly become a passion. It took me years to settle down and dedicate my time to this art, and now it has become the most nurturing adventure. It’s a never ending learning process as doll making requires so many different skills. I take immense joy in sharing it all with you.

Thank you for your visit and interest in my work!